Indoors I’m (usually) fine. Outdoors I’m a mess.

Walk across a rickety bridge and leap across the missing last section? Are you out of your mind? I could fall into the river. Break my leg. Die.

Is my fear based on facts? No. But that missing piece of bridge is what keeps me from whatever is on the other side.

When I review web pages, I often flashback to missing bridge pieces. (Without the panic.) I see a lot of great offers that lack those last bridge pieces.

The missing piece in your copy bridge is leaving it to readers to answer, “What’s in it for me?” We’re not dumb, but most of us don’t take the time to ponder the meaning of web copy.

Pretend you’re a dog groomer. You could list benefits like this:

  • You don’t have to wrestle your dog into the bathtub.
  • You don’t need to trim your dog’s nails.
  • Your dog gets groomed. Just make an appointment. (No procrastinating.)

Or like this (answering “What’s in it for me?”):

  • Stop wrestling your dog into the tub (and feeling like a jerk for doing it).
  • Lose the stress and anxiety around cutting your dog’s nails.
  • Start feeling proud of how your dog looks.

The next time you’re writing copy, remember to include the last piece of the bridge. What will be better after they hire you?

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